How to Achieve Success

by | Apr 26, 2023 | Education & Personal Growth

Take bold steps towards your goals.

Work on yourself, make mistakes, learn from them, and improve daily. Never wait for anyone to call you great because they probably won’t do so until they see your great work. waiting for people to validate you will only waste your time and dull out your morale. You owe it to yourself to move towards success. At the beginning of your journey to the top, you may be the only one that sees your potential… in you.

What if you don’t have goals and have never known how to set them? It is high time you learned the art of developing them seeing as no one will download and deliver them custom-made for you. You can start by asking yourself the right questions; what am I good at? What are my strengths? What do I value most in life? What causes me pain? What do I wish was different or done differently? What are the things I enjoy doing? These and similar other questions will lead you to clarify your ambitions and consequently come up with goals for your own life.  

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” – Mary Kay Ash

In a research study done at the University of North Carolina, various participants were asked to react to a variety of stimuli. The results were intriguing. It was shown repeatedly that those who had positive experiences were able to see possibilities in a way that those who reach out involves stretching beyond their comfort zone. You cannot be faint-hearted instead you need to gain a sense of urgency. 

Look around you, analyze your character, habits, and thoughts. Notice the patterns you have been following because of them and quickly realize this: unless something changes, you will continue in the same lane, facing similar problems, hanging around the same-minded people, and as dissatisfied as you have ever been. Reaching out may be awkward at first but push yourself. Challenge the limiting beliefs that you have inside of you responsible for where you find yourself: an undesirable place. reacted to negative or even neutral situations could not.

Here are 6 important things you can do when you are reaching towards your success…

  1. Refuse to continue with actions that cause you to lose.
  2. Create a winning strategy for yourself today and work it out until you see results.
  3. Keep taking action-packed steps towards your goal.
  4. Have a daily checklist, take it a step further and write down a time-management schedule that states exactly what you will be doing at what time. Make it a must to enjoy the satisfaction of ticking things off the list one by one.
  5. Be patient with yourself and with the process.
  6. Limp or crawl through some days but, keep moving.

Habits of Success

Successful people have certain habits in common and those habits play a significant role in helping them succeed. You can start adopting some of the habits shared by some of the world’s most successful people as you continue your journey to success.

Habits play a major role in determining whether you are going to make it in life. Bad habits often stop you from reaching your goals and they make fighting distractions impossible. Good habits can help you improve your life, reach your goals, meet deadlines, and improve your relationships.

Wake up early – Successful people advise that waking up early is an excellent way of getting in the mood to work and it is a great way to remain energized throughout the day.

Spend time alone – “Be alone, that is the secret of inventions. Be alone, that is when ideas are born.” -Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was an inventor and engineer who is well known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. Spending time alone gives you the space to think deeply and reflect on your life and work. It is when you are alone, free from distractions that you come up with new ideas that can make a big difference in your life.

Read, Read and Read – Countless billionaires, history makers, and brilliant minds talk about how reading books is an excellent way of broadening your perspective and gaining a working knowledge of things that will change your life for the best. It is through reading that the Former US President Abraham Lincoln became the great historical figure that he is today. It is because he was an avid reader that he made his mark in the world. If you want to reach greater heights and stay at the top, start adding reading to your daily habits

“Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.” – Vaibhav Shah

Network with other people – Networking with other people is an excellent way of learning new things and realizing new opportunities that will work in your favor. Once you begin to understand the value of interacting with other people, you will set aside specific hours for networking and collaboration.

Get rid of distractions – Getting rid of distractions can help improve your concentration levels as well as your productivity. Create mantras that will ensure you remain focused on what you are doing. For example, “no distractions for the next four hours.”

Practice good personal hygiene – Taking care of yourself is one good habit you can pick. Eating healthy and exercising keeps you in excellent spirits which is something you need if you are going to succeed.

Reduce your stress levels – Turning managing your stress levels into a habit will help you cope in whatever situation you find yourself in. So, get enough rest or sleep to reduce your stress levels.

Have goals and work towards achieving them – One obvious way of ensuring success is by having clear goals and taking the necessary steps to reach them. Adopt and maintain an “I have what it takes” attitude to start seeing results while you work.

Leave your past to the past and focus on your future – Holding on to your past failures or discouragements will distract you from living in the present and being excited about the future. So, leave your past behind. That means you do not think about your past, you don’t talk about the past, and you do not allow what happened in the past to get in the way of what you do.

Stay positive – Being positive and optimistic makes the journey to success more exciting. Practicing positive self-talk and having positive thoughts will help prevent bad thoughts that can hinder your progress from surfacing. 

I believe that you move towards success when you choose success over struggle. In other words when you make the decision to change. You may find it hard to accept that you can make the decision to have a successful personal and business life, or not, but it’s true. That’s what I did, I made a decision to stop living the stressful life I had been living and start to do better for myself and my family. Let me tell you when you set an intention, and make a decision to change your life, doors begin to open and the universe offers you a helping hand.

Julie Fairhurst 
Author, Women Like Me 
Women’s Coach 
Real Estate Agent 

A real estate agent for over 20 years, author of multiple books including her most recent series, Women Like Me and Coach, Julie has been inspiring women for years. Sharing her own entrepreneurial journey, her passion for women’s issues, and drive to help women be the best version of themselves through guidance, support and encouragement, Julie contributes to Shared Stories and our Community on a variety of topics from entrepreneurship to life balance. She resides in beautiful British Columbia, Canada with her husband. 

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